For the foreseeable future I will be running a service to accept confirm but anonymous communications from Simutronics Staff (GMs) who wish to safely report information they feel the community should know. It is known that "independent contractors" of Simutronics must sign an NDA. I do not want anyone to face any legal repercussions or lose their position (well, maybe just 2 or 3 should) and will be providing the following information and warnings to do this safely. 1) Never ever use your email service. It should be assumed that any in or outbound email on this service is kept/monitored. 2) Never ever use any information that links directly back to you or you and one other person. Information should always be known by at least four other people or "public knowledge" on the other side. 3) Never ever use your name specifically in an email. If you need to verify your authenticity via an interaction we had do not use your name, even if I would know it from the situation. I will never reveal, attach or speculate on names. 4) Do feel free to use the service to tell me to go fuck myself or another player. This is a service just as much for you to vent about the players as it is the management of Simutronics. 5) You will never get an email back, any returned emails are assumed honeypots and should not be responded to. 6) Be careful of what you do in game under your GM account as most likely all actions are logged as well. This may be troublesome for the verification part. 7) Do try to change up your writting style. Use smaller words or a random thesaurus, write in small quick to the point lines, anything to make it different.
I would ask that any real complaints are verified in one of the following maners: Name one of the objects not commonly used for RP that is inside one of the containers on his person right now. Common items I used frequently will not count. I have logs to confirm without being ingame. An interaction we had, either something broken, discussing an idea, a scolding, any time that would be able to confirm that it is in fact a real GM and not someone trolling the service.
Please make use of the following resources, if you are uncomfortable with the links I have also provided the google search terms to give you alternative offerings: "Throw away email" This one is good because you can choose what you want the email to be at the top. Allows outbound emailing. Confirmed working for sending This is the email address to send your comments/stories to.
I encourage any current or prior GMs to speak out if you do not feel the direction of the game is going where it should be. Or just say things are great. I will never real any names, I will never speculate on any names, I will re-write the message sent in my own voice while not trying to add or subtract anything major from it, there will be no copy and pasting of messages.