Wants: Anti-Thief Head Snowball Satchel (Auction Quality Preferred)
a painted brass and oak case (tea set)
examine case Whitewashed and veneered, the oak of the case is uniformly smooth and has a lustrous, mirror-like finish that is accented by the brass closure toggles and hinges. Twin octopuses, wrought of bronze that has an artful verdigris finish, perch upon the rectangular handles, their tentacles inventively wrapping about the long handles and disappearing into the wood. open case You unlatch the toggle on your brass and oak case and hear a strange whirring sound, causing you to remove your hand from the toggle. Within seconds, a tiny opening appears at the top of the case and the thin doors are drawn away from each other. The doors at the hinges bend and slide into a small compartment at the bottom, turning the case into a painted brass and oak platter. examine platter Whitewashed and veneered, the oak of the platter is uniformly smooth and has a lustrous, mirror-like finish that is accented by the brass closure toggles and hinges. Twin octopuses, wrought of bronze that has an artful verdigris finish, perch upon the rectangular handles, their tentacles inventively wrapping about the long handles and disappearing into the wood.
an ornate square alum lantern (https://gswiki.play.net/EbonGate2009/Teasersavedposts#Planetarium_Lantern)
Fitted with a large metallic ring at its peak, the alum lantern is ornately designed with small filigree designs in the form of autumn leaves, snowflakes, wildflowers, and sheathes of wheat. Three of the lanterns four panels are completely darkened, while the fourth is fashioned of clear glass. A tiny cage beneath the lantern houses metallic screens that have that have oddly punched holes in them, and a short missive is etched across the glass. There appears to be something written on it. In the Common language, it reads: Summer ~ Fall ~ Winter ~ Spring
Beneath the lantern is a tiny cage that houses several screens. Tiny etchings at the bottom of each piece label them and read: Screen 1- The First (Lumnae 16 - 30), Screen 2- The Crystal (Koaratos 1 - 14), Screen 3- The Huntress (i.e., Krrska) (Koaratos 15 - 29), Screen 4- The Guardian (Koaratos 30 - Phoenatos 13), Screen 5- The Sun God (Phoenatos 14 - Phoenatos 27), Screen 6- The Wagon (Phoenatos 28 - Imaerasata 11), Screen 7- The Queen of Enlightenment (Imaerasta 12 - 25), Screen 8- The Trident (Imaerasta 26 - Jastatos 10), Screen 9- The Jackal (Jastatos 11 - 25), Screen 10- The Gryphon (Jastatos 26 - Eoanatos 8), Screen 11- The Lady of the Green (Eoanatos 9 - 23), Screen 12- The Bat (Eoanatos 24 - Eorgaen 4), Screen 13- The Paladin (Eorgaen 8th to the 22nd), Screen 14- The Gates (Eorgaen 23rd to Lormesta 6th), Screen 15- The Grandfather's Eye (Lormesta 7th to Lormesta 20th), Screen 16- The Ur-Daemon (Lormeta 21st to Fashanos 4th), Screen 17- Arachne (Fashanos 5th to the 18th), Screen 18- The Unicorn (Fashanos 19th to Charlatos 5th), Screen 19- The Spire ( Charlatos 6th to Charlatos 20th), Screen 20- The Handmaidens (Charlatos 21 - Olaesta 3), Screen 21- The Hammer (Olaesta 4 - Olaesta 18), Screen 22- The Cat's Paw (Olaesta 19 - Ivastaen 2), Screen 23- The Mistress of Adoration (Ivastaen 3 - 17), Screen 24- The Rat (Ivastaen 18 - Lumnae 1), and Screen 25- The Dragonfly (Lumnae 2 - Lumnae 15). Clearly, the different constellations can be displayed by changing screens. You can accomplish this by turning the lantern and specifying the number of the desired screen. Usage: TURN [MY] lantern (makes it flicker) TURN [MY] lantern TO SCREEN {num} (sets the lantern to use the {num} screen) TURN [MY] lantern TO SCREEN 0 (removes the screen that may already be in place)
a black coral pendant strung on an iridescent silver ribbon (Illusion Prop)
You analyze your black coral pendant and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. The creator has also provided the following information: The black coral pendant is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to: Replaces your entire appearance with "It is difficult to see Kaight, who is completely enshrouded in a thick blanket of silvery grey mist laced with thin indigo threads." You get the distinct impression that the black coral pendant itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates. You get no sense of whether or not the pendant may be further lightened.
a tiny ivory osprey rectrix ( Plumed Do-Hickey)
You analyze your ivory osprey rectrix and sense that the creator has provided the following information: As you contemplate a tiny ivory osprey rectrix you realize that it is a small item and will never have much weight to it, therefore lightening it seems unnecessary. You also note that the color of the rectrix will translate into bead and headband colors for some of the hair styles. This rectrix is currently tier 3 of 4 tiers. You are able to use the following verbs on it: Wear, remove, weave, pull, attend, pinch, tickle, nudge, gaze, turn, and eat. You get no sense of whether or not the rectrix may be further lightened.
some lustrous ebony rolaren plate (Female Only)
You analyze your ebony rolaren plate and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. The creator has also provided the following information: The cut of this plate is designed to fit the female form only. You sense you could WEAR, PULL, KNOCK, RUB and TAP the plate. It is fully unlocked. All normal alteration rules pertaining to armor apply. You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the ebony rolaren plate for you. Left in its natural state, the rolaren of the plate is ebony teased with streaks of midnight blue that accentuate the smooth planes and curves of the armor. The pauldrons and upper guards of the vambraces are fluted for added strength, and the tassets are contoured to lie snug against the hips and thighs. Flourishes in simple intaglio reliefs adorn the breastplate and the outer curve of each pauldron and poleyn, providing a hint of couture to an otherwise
an indigo mossbark long bow (4x, +2 Dex Bonus, +3 Ranged Ranks)
a ruby-pommelled eahnor broadsword inlaid with a silver serpent along its crimson blade (+33, Sanctified)
an angular rolaren aventail (+5 Earth Lore Ranks)
a nondescript spiked bronze lantern shield adorned with a black coral motif (Medium Shield, 6x, Incredibly Resistance to Cold)
a dark slate gravemarker pendant
You analyze your gravemarker pendant and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information: This item will summon a tombstone upon your death, to remain there until you breathe once again. TURN will toggle this ability. LOOK to see if the ability is active, if not, RUB it.
You get no sense of whether or not the pendant may be further lightened.
Faintly visible on the face of the pendant is the image of a dark grey slate gravemarker. Looking closely, you see some miniscule detailing on the gravemarker. Thin strands of silver-laced indigo mist swirl like eels around the marker's jagged borders. There appears to be something engraved on the gravemarker. It reads, "Beyond the Mist ~ Kaight Rests in Peace" The image of the gravemarker is currently cast in shadow.