Ebon Gate: 2017 Prizes

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017, 6:22:06 PM

  • a cloudy off-white vellum (500k)

    First Person: Your ale-brown eyes slip closed and you issue a gentle summons to the spirits of water and moisture asking that they aid you in the casting of [Spell Name]. Their power collects in the air around you and you carefully draw it inward, letting it leave trails upon your alabaster skin before sending it outward into the surrounding area. Third Person: Caster's ale-brown eyes slip closed and he issues a gentle summons to the spirits of water and moisture. Flashing around him, the spirits respond and leave trails of their power upon his alabaster skin, which he then channels and sends outward into the surrounding area. Hidden or Invisible: Preceding a soft, spoken spell is a gentle summons to the spirits of water and moisture. Specific Spell Restriction: 106


  • a colorful starburst token (10m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a brilliant array of tiny starburst patterns.


  • an azure feather-etched token (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a shower of brilliant azure feathers."


  • an indigo eel token (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: the image of an indigo eel biting its own tail."


  • a simple flower-crested token (3m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: an open flower that slowly dissolves into silver sparks.


  • a petrified oil and anise cake (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "This oil and anise cake will grant you the ability to summon: an olive oil and anise cake (manna bread).


  • some petrified laver bread (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "This laver bread will grant you the ability to summon: a patty of fried laver bread (manna bread).


  • a mottled thick parchment (1m)

    First Person: Reaching outward, you call upon the spirits of chaos to come to your aid and to empower your [Spell Name] spell. Third Person: Caster calls upon the spirits of chaos to come to his aid and to empower his spell. Hidden or Invisible: From somewhere nearby, a wild call for aid to the spirits of chaos echoes through the area. Specific Spell Restriction: 216


  • a tiny redwood trinket (5m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Major Sanct.(220): Crown of the Redwood Six ropy tree limbs spread out from the center of a redwood tree to create a bowl that is several dozen feet wide and deep. Smooth bark, warm and dry from the sun, bears the intricately carved patterns of tiny birds, rodents, and felines, while a thick blanket of soft, feathery golden moss settles on the ground. High above, the sunlight trickles through broad leaves which dance under an unseen zephyr. The light scent of apple blossoms fills the air."


  • a blue monkey's paw trinket (500k)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Major Sanctuary(220) of: The Deluged Bluefin Encased in a bubble of air, the room appears to be the waterlogged remains of a restaurant's bar. Water drips from the once polished fixtures, while seaweed clings to a marble floor that is similar in color to the oily fronds. Though no seats remain around the bar, which is crafted of an aquarium that long ago lost all of its denizens, a silver-edged green glass door still bears its bluefin design.


  • a tiny mineral deposit trinket (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Major Sanct.(220): The Watery Cavern Indigo light filters into the cavern from some far away source, its bluish hues reflecting off stalactites that descend from the ceiling. Small, stagnant pools dot the rough, irregular ground and house tiny sparkling crystals and pool spars. The sound of dripping water fills the air and is sporadically overpowered by the sound of the tide rushing into the cavern from somewhere far off.


  • a greasy prayerbook page (250k)

    First Person: Groveling and wheedling, you murmur a cajoling prayer, focusing on [Spell Name]... Third Person: Groveling and wheedling, Caster murmurs a cajoling prayer, focusing on [Spell Name]... Hidden or Invisible: Groveling and wheelding, the murmuring sound of a cajoling prayer fills the air. Spell Circle Restrictions: Cleric Base


  • a blessed glaesine ball of pulsating shadows (5m)

    This ball, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Holy Bolt (306) spell as such: You summon and then hurl pulsating shadows of twining dark divinity at a giant rat! Caster summons and then hurls pulsating shadows of twining dark divinity at a giant rat!


  • a piece of sandy species (500k)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Well of Life (308) of: the grit of sand and dried saltwater briefly touches your skin.


  • a piece of petrified bark species (500k)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Well of Life (308) of: the cloying, sickening scent of rotting vegetation overwhelms your senses.


  • a miniature triple ring-etched tombstone (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Raise Dead (318 or 1640) of the caster drawing divine symbols in the air, each glowing copper, silver, and gold, before spiraling towards the deceased and filling him/her with divine energy."


  • a miniature inscribed tombstone (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will " Grant the ability to cast a customized Raise Dead (318 or 1640) of the caster pondering the worth of life and then imploring the deceased to be worthy of it."


  • a slip of antique yellow paper (500k)

    First Person: Hooding your eyes, you softly intone the mystical phrases of [Spell Name] and feel cold air chill your lips. Third Person: Hooding his eyes, Caster softly intones the mystical phrases of his spell and his lips begin to turn blue. Hidden or Invisible: Cold air fills the area as someone nearby softly intones the mystical phrases of a spell. Specific Spell Restriction: 409


  • an odd-hued waxed parchment (1m)

    First Person: Invoking [Spell Name], you feel a slight tugging sensation behind your ale-brown eyes. Third Person: Invoking elemental powers, Caster's ale-brown eyes flash with an arcane light. Hidden or Invisible:
    Specific Spell Restriction: 416


  • a thin hoarfrost-rimed slip (250k)

    First Person: Reciting the mystical phrases of [Spell Name], you feel a rime of frost wreathe your ale-brown eyes and infuse them with an icy blue energy that dissipates as you release your spell. Third Person: Reciting the mystical phrases of his elemental spell, a rime of frost suddenly encircles Caster's ale-brown eyes and infuses the whites of his ocular cavity with icy blue energy that dissipates as he releases his spell. Hidden or Invisible: Mystical phrases fill the air. Spell Circle Restrictions: Major Elemental


  • a miniature clam-shaped disk (5m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a clam-shaped (player's name) disk.


  • a small palm frond-shaped disk (5m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a palm frond-shaped (player's name) disk.


  • a tiny seaweed-covered disk (5m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a seaweed-covered (player's name) disk.


  • a tangle of coarse brown tumbleweed (5m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Tangleweed (610) of coarse brown tumbleweed.


  • a tangle of creepers (10m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Tangleweed (610) of twisting creepers.


  • a simple horsefly ornament (2m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Call Swarm (615) of horseflies.


  • a dense mosquito ornament (10m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Call Swarm (615) of mosquitoes.


  • a fossilized black kraken tentacle (3m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Grasp of the Grave (709) of black kraken tentacle.


  • a fossilized spider crab appendage (2m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Grasp of the Grave (709) of spider crab appendage.


  • a black glaesine ball incised with golden runes (5m)

    This ball, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such: You shoot a diaphanous orb of sickly green energy at a giant rat! Caster shoots a diaphanous orb of sickly green energy at a giant rat!


  • a reinforced glaesine ball housing blue light (5m)

    This ball, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such: You use the quick flick of your wrist to fling an erratically pulsating ball of white and blue flame at a giant rat! Caster uses a quick flick of the wrist to fling an erratically pulsating ball of white and blue flame at a giant rat!


  • a reinforced glaesine ball warmed by magma (10m)

    This ball, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such: You hurtle forth an undulating orb of molten lava at a giant rat! Caster hurtles forth an undulating orb of molten lava at a giant rat!


  • a music note-etched urn (1m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Tremor (909) of: You tap out a rapid staccato upon the ground with your (staff) and are immediately greeted by a deep, resonating rumble that travels up your body.


  • a water-stained off-white parchment (500k)

    First Person: Calling to mind a favorite chanty, you liltingly begin to sing the [Spell Name]. Third Person: Caster liltingly begins to sing a sea chanty, his timbre launching into the repeating chorus with ease. Hidden or Invisible: From somewhere nearby, you hear the lilting sound of a chanty being sung. Profession Restrictions: Bard only Specific Spell Restriction: 1004


  • a thin sheet of music (500k)

    First Person: Calling to mind a lively jig, you hum a folk tune about fickle Lady Luck. You playfully launch into song and as the comical words to the chorus fall from your lips, you seamlessly weave them into [Spell Name]. Third Person: Caster hums a traditional folk song about fickle Lady Luck. He leaves behind the humming and playfully launches into the comical chorus. Hidden or Invisible: From somewhere nearby, you hear someone humming a traditional folk song about Lady Luck, which they finish by outright singing the comical chorus. Profession Restrictions: Bard only Specific Spell Restriction: 1006


  • an inky shadow-filled jar (5m)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Blink (1215) of inky shadows."


  • an icy snowflake-filled jar (250k)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Blink (1215) of icy snowflakes.


  • a thick mist-filled jar (250k)

    This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Blink (1215) of a thick sanguine mist.


  • a crisp bright white page (500k)

    First Person: Clipped and uniform, you formally call upon your patron for [Spell Name] and complete your summons with precise, martial gestures. Third Person: Clipped and uniform, Caster formally calls upon his patron for aid and completes his summons with precise, martial gestures. Hidden or Invisible: Clipped and uniform, the formal call upon a patron rises in the air. Spell Circle Restrictions: Paladin Base


  • an indigo-edged silver vellum (5m)

    First Person: You carefully weave the [Spell Name] spell into the air, trails of indigo and silver mist following the somatic components. Twisting and twining, the skeins of energy leech power from you and, as you unleash the spell, you feel droplets of moisture dripping from your fingertips... Third Person: Caster carefully weaves his spell into the air, trails of indigo and silver mist following the somatic components. Twisting and twining, the skeins of energy slip away from him, leaving moisture to drop from his fingertips... Hidden or Invisible: From somewhere nearby, the soft whisperings of a spell can be heard.

Thursday, October 12th, 2017, 7:01:54 AM

If this is flat priced I'll take the horseflies