Autumnal Glory Festival

Friday, October 6th, 2017, 12:43:20 AM

Let the Festivities begin! The Alliance of High Elven Society, along with many other organizations, wish to welcome you to Ta'Vaalor for the first Annual Autumnal Glory Festival, runing 10/6-10/8. We'll be opening with a parade at 7pm and we have a full schedule! See our GSWiki page for details: Autumnal Glory Festival !

Friday, October 6th, 2017, 2:41:13 PM

Be sure to join us tonight as we kick off the first ever Autumnal Glory Festival in Ta'Vaalor!

Tonight's events:

  • Opening Ceremonies and Parade - 7pm Hosted by House Aspis A celebratory parade throughout Ta'Vaalor.

  • Wheel of Prizes - 9pm Hosted by Fenog's Regulars 1000 silvers buys your chance at great prizes. Everyone wins something!

  • Ales and Tales - 11pm Hosted by House Paupers Drinking and storytelling - a perfect combination! Participants will have 30 minutes to create a short tale about a subject to be announce at the event start.

Saturday, October 7th, 2017, 9:26:42 AM

Festivities continue today, starting at 1pm EDT!

Today's Events:

  • Autumn Weaves - 1pm House Sovyn will walk you through the basics of weaving while helping everyone try and create some simple, autumn themed items. Exra weaving supplies will be available.

  • Greedy Gremins - 4pm House Sylvanfair's regular game of Greedy Gremlins that tests knowledge of Elanthian lore.

  • Blind Date Auction - 6pm Not your traditional dat auction! If you need an escort to the Costumed Cotillion and don't have one at the ready, feel free to place a bid on one of our lovely bachelors or bachelorettes. There is a slight catch, however, as your bid is blind and you'll receive the identity of your escort the following night at the Cotillion (no take backs)!

  • Brief Review of Elven Divination and Readings - 8pm The Order of the Sphere and Scythe will do a lecture on what Elves use to divinate and, if time permits, will offer readings/divinations for attendees. Look for Silvergate Inn's tent one south of King's Court.

  • Strike a Pose - 10pm The Wyverns' Honor will be hosting a game of elimination. Test your fighting skills against a training dummy. Do well and you proceed to the next round. Do poorly and you're out of the game. Survive til the end to receive the ultimate prize. (No training in combat is actually required, nor will it aid you. The training dummies are based off a roll and not skills. Everyone is on equal footing for this).

Monday, October 9th, 2017, 4:30:26 PM

I wanted to thank everyone for a successful Autumnal Glory Festival with it being our first year running it! We had some hiccups along the way, and scheduling conflicts, but overall, it was a marvelous time and we will certainly be doing this again!

Thank you to @Rohese and both House Sylvanfair and the Looking Glass for their events, Greedy Gremlins and Creating a Fall Fashion Portfolio! I am so sorry I couldn't make the latter (thanks, work).

Thank you to House Sovyn for a wonderful weaving session, as well as the Order of the Sphere and Scythe for their discussion on Elven divination and their readings for us! Dirvy did a wonderful job with her lectures!

House Paupers for Ales and Tales! It was a small crowd but it was still fun!

Seomanthe and House Aspis (and me by default, too), for hosting the lovely parade and the Fall Feast to close out the festivities!

Thank you to the Order of the Shadow for their inspiration art event!

And finally, thank you to those who signed up to be bachelors and bachelorettes in the blind date auction! Just like the festival, it had some growing pains, but we'll have the kinks worked out for next year.

I know EG really opened this weekend and so many were focused on that, but I want to especially thank the attendees for coming out and celebrating autumn with us in Ta'Vaalor! We look forward to seeing you all next year!