I'm looking to start an GS-Prime instance of the HARDCORE competition currently underway in Gemstone Platinum. Kithus/Brinret's HARDCORE competition is ongoing, and I highly recommend you join in if you're so inclined. The link to the competition can be found here: https://gswiki.play.net/Platinum_HARDCORE
The purpose of this thread is to see how many people are interested in participating, and ensuring the rules are seen as fair and fun for all those looking to be involved. I'm looking to start this competition on November 1st, 2017, so please DO NOT START YOUR HARDCORE CHARACTER BEFORE THIS DATE or he or she will NOT be eligible for the competition!
Depending upon the level of interest, I may cap the number of entries because I don't want to go broke paying out rewards. I also reserve the right to refuse anyone entry into this competition for any reason, as well as the right to disqualify an existing competitor or cancel the competition at any point. I will do my absolute best NOT to do this, but if cheating becomes rampant or there are unforeseen conflicts which interfere in the enjoyment of the community at large I will have little choice.
Here are the rules I am proposing. You will find they are nearly identical to the Platinum instance of the competition:
All participants, upon creation, must be posted in the GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE thread. This includes name, race and profession. HARDCORE characters must be created on or after November 1st, 2017.
Upon death you should submit a post to the thread informing the community of the character’s death and immediately delete the character. Inventory may be transferred to a non-HARDCORE character prior to deletion.
HARDCORE characters must be self-spelled. This means no outside spells may be used. Spells the character can activate themselves from Magic Items or Scrolls are permitted.
HARDCORE characters are not to be hunted with non-HARDCORE characters. Further, while playing more than 1 HARDCORE character at a time is permitted, MAing HARDCORE characters for group hunting purposes or any other unforseen benefits is not permitted. (No HARDCORE MA armies, please!)
Items and silver may not be obtained from other characters. This means nothing may be received from another character or player shop. All silver and inventory must be earned by the HARDCORE character. NPC shop purchases are permitted. Items the HARDCORE character obtained from a merchant, including raffles and merchant services, are permitted.
Items from a grand auction, Premium monthly raffle, Duskruin, Delirium Manor or other "pay to play", or "1 win per account" sources are not permitted. Items from Reim are permitted but only from your daily free Reim run.
No outside services from OTHER CHARACTERS are allowed. This includes: * Armor skills * Artisan Skills * Blessing * Enchanting/Ensorcelling/Elemental Resistance * Healing * Locksmithing * Mass spells * Society or Adventure Guild resources (Pelts, Gems, Herbs, etc)
Deaths resulting from PvP, direct GameMaster action, or GAME WIDE outage are exempt. Also any death that is a required part of a task that may or may not exist for a specific society is exempt.
GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE characters cannot use any item purchased with Simucoins. Similar items found normally are allowed.
GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE characters should toggle on the ability to view their level in their profiles.
And the Rewards:
Upon reaching level 20 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their Lord/Lady title to ** for a 1 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character of their choice. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 2 million silver.
Upon reaching level 40 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their Great Lord/Lady title to ** for a 5 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character of their choice. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 10 million silver.
Upon reaching level 70 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their High Lord/Lady title to ** for a 10 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character of their choice. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 20 million silver.
Upon reaching level 100 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their Grand Lord/Lady title to ** for a 25 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 50 million silver and the adulation of his peers! Additionally the HARDCORE character is now exempt from deletion on death.
Please respond to this thread if you are interested in joining the competition and with any general questions/comments regarding its creation.