Might be interesting to help weapon bases out if the flare chance was improved depending on the weapon's base speed or min RT. Anything faster than say 5 seconds base speed, would get a modifier to improve the % chance to flare on the attack.
At 5s base weapon speed, the flare modifier is 12 times per minute for 25% chance to flare.
At 4s base weapon speed, the flare modifier is 15 times per minute for a 31.25% chance to flare (15/12 = 1.25 -- 1.25 x 25 = 31.25)
At 3s base weapon speed, the flare modifier is 20 times per minute for a 41.6% chance to flare (20/12 = 1.66 -- 1.66 x 25 = 41.6)
At 2s base weapon speed, the flare modifier is 30 times per minute for a 62.5% chance to flare (30/12 = 2.5 -- 2.5 x 25 = 62.5)
At 1s base weapon speed, the flare modifier is 60 times per minute for a 100% chance to flare
The above chart might be too powerful, but you could just change it to min RT, and then you'd cap out at 41.6% chance to flare (all weapons have a min RT of 3 seconds or greater when swung using ATTACK command).
This would only be compatible with non-UCS attacks as the UCS combat system is too fast to flare that often, and already benefits greatly from 25% chance flares. But something like this would make swinging brawling weapons (i.e. cestus / knuckle-blades / hook knives) much more appealing while also improving whip-blades / daggers / and other faster but low damage weapons better for flaring.