Official: September Premium Raffle - Custom Tangleweed (610) Alteration

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017, 3:12:53 PM

Quote from GM Kynlee:

A raffle has been set up that is of interest to Rangers. The winner will be able to customize the appearance of the vine created by the Tangleweed (610) spell! This is purely a cosmetic change to the spell and will have no effect on the damage or casting of the spell. The raffle can be found in the multi-colored wooden wagon on the corner of Wisteria Lane and Daisy Avenue. Tickets are 50,000 silvers and the raffle will draw Thursday night.

~~GM Kynlee~~ Elanthian Architect Breaker of Things 3/50

This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall/Premium, Upcoming Events. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, 6:45:19 PM

Quote from GM Kynlee:

It's instant redemption, so it will need to be ready AT the drawing.

~~GM Kynlee~~ Elanthian Architect Breaker of Things 3/50