Thursday - 9/7 - Times listed are EST
5 pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Creature Bane added to weapon - (this is set up with restrictions. Read the ticket carefully!) 7pm - Raffle for 10 winners - Spike adding to armor - (this is set up) 8:30pm - Raffle for 5 winners - Adding morphing to fusion - (this is set up) 9pm - AUCTION for citizens only - a special vaalorn katana - Gilded Longsword, Taproom 10pm - Raffle for 3 winners - Sonic alterations - (this is set up) 10:30pm - Raffle for 2 winners - Creature Bane added to runestaff (this is set up with restrictions. Read the ticket carefully!)
Friday - 9/8
3pm - Raffle for 2 winners - +5 Enchant (restrictions will be on the ticket) 5:30pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Creature Bane added to weapon 7pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Climatewear hood adding with feature concealer 7:30pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Auction tier Grobey script add/unlock to eligible shield 10:30pm - Raffle for 2 winners - Sonic alterations 11pm - Raffle for 2 winners - Creature Bane added to runestaff
Saturday - 9/9
12pm - Citizen Only Raffle 1 Winner - Greater Moods adding and customization. (This is a delayed service, and you MUST have the item on your person at the time of the drawing to confirm eligibility, and you must be present.) - The Gilded Longsword, Taproom 12:30pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Greater Moods adding and customization - (This is a delayed service, and you MUST have the item on your person at the time of the drawing to confirm eligibility, and you must be present.) - Lich 24012 - 50k 1:30pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Creature Bane added to weapon (Read the ticket) - Lich 23995 - 25,000 + item fees 2pm - Raffle for 2 winners - +5 Enchant (Read the ticket) - Lich 23992 - 25,000 + item fees 3pm - Raffle for 1 winner - Permablessing on an 8x weapon or less (no weighting or combat scripts) - Lich 22453 - 100k 4pm - Raffle for 15 winners - Spike adding to armor - Lich 17885 - 50k 5pm - Iasha T3 - Blacksmith, Coal Storage - Lich 24041 - 250k 7:30pm - Iasha T1 -> T2 - Blacksmith, Coal Storage - Lich 24041 - 100k 8pm - Voln Armor Adding - Lich 24010 - 10k 8:20pm - Voln Armor T1 to T2 - Lich 23993 - 25k 8:45pm - Voln T2-> T3 - VOLN ONLY - Lich 21647 - 50k 9pm - Voln T3 -> T4 - VOLN ONLY - Lich 21645 - 100k 9pm - To fully unlock an item from Points and Polish or add a full set of actions to another unactioned similar weapon. - Lich 22449 - 50k 09:54pm - adding acuity or mana to a runestaff of your choice. The staff can be any enchant. The addition of acuity or mana cannot bring the flare above 6x/+3 - Lich 22452 - 25k