Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017, 6:53:00 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12581

Henphelia was like no other chicken. She was long of leg, round of bottom, and had the most unruly of hair. Yes, hair. Now I know that it sounds strange that a hen would have hair, but she had long locks that flowed down her back. She never really knew what to do with them.

Until she went to market one day and bought a feather. Upon wearing the feather, her hair was transformed and she preened in front of the other hens in the hen house.

You gingerly clip the feather into your hair and it quickly gets hidden in your tresses.

You nimbly weave your waist length hair into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug your skull.

She has waist length, straight golden blonde hair separated into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug the skull and are woven with thin beads and dusky grey pigeon feathers.

I wonder what Henphelia will do in market tomorrow...

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Thursday, September 7th, 2017, 6:51:34 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12599 (& 12600)

Henphelia, the odd hen, was pretty happy with how her hair had turned out, but when she went to the Market a second time…

“Hey, Henphia,” a funny looking girl called out to her. “I can make that even better…”

Henphelia was most pleased with the results.

Drawing your bangs back from your face, you carefully weave them into a five-plait braid and then pinch the ends together with a bit of twine and twin dusky grey pigeon retrices. She has waist length, straight golden blonde hair with her bangs gathered to the right temple and woven into a single five-plait braid adorned with twin dusky grey pigeon retrices. I wonder what Henphelia will do tomorrow.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Howdy folks!

Since I’ve been gone for a while, I will have a lot to tease about! Here’s something for those of you that like footwraps and handwraps.

glance You glance down to see a tight ball of soft grey linen in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. inspect my linen You carefully inspect your soft grey linen. After a careful inspection, you determine that a tight ball of soft grey linen are suitable for use in unarmed combat.

You determine that you could wear the linen on your feet. The linen appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

Well, how does that work?

Like this:

wear my linen Holding the end of the soft grey linen against your ankle bone, you begin to gently wrap it around first the ankle, then across the top and around the arch of your foot. You point your toes, testing the tightness of your wrapping job and, satisfied, repeat the process with the left foot so that both feet are adorned in newly made grey linen footwraps. ~~ Thandiwe ~~

Friday, September 8th, 2017, 6:44:41 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12608 (12609)

That crazy hen is at it again! When she got to the market, another merchant saw her and taught her a new trick with her feather.

Now, she's so excited and shows off for all the other hens.

Using three fingers, you gently rake your hair away from your face and bind it in place with thin dusky grey combs that are decorated with pigeon pennae.

She has waist length, straight golden blonde hair drawn away from the face with thin dusky grey combs that are decorated with pigeon pennae.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

And now for the hand:

inspect my suede You carefully inspect your vivid red suede.

After a careful inspection you determine that a tight ball of vivid red suede is suitable for use in unarmed combat.

You determine that you could wear the suede on your hands. The suede appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.

wear my suede Cupping the end of the vivid red suede in your right hand, you gently wrap it around your palm and carefully weave it between your fingers. Once done, you flex your fingers to test the fit, and then repeat the process on the left so that both hands are adorned in newly made zorchar-beaded handwraps.

Big thank you to GM Vanah who was able to fix that oddity with inspect.(Cause she's the best!)

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Friday, September 8th, 2017, 10:40:07 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:

You guys are cracking me up.

The feather script is called Hair Feather, or more affectionately the Plumed Hair Do-Hickey.

The hand/foot script (which is not restricted to UAC, by the by) is The Old One-Two.

And just because you are guys are cracking me up with the names...

Here's another teaser for them:

You are wearing a blossom-carved white birch amulet, a stiffened dark green jerkin, "a pair of vivid zorchar-beaded handwraps with exposed fingertips", a pair of side-laced trousers, and "a pair of soft grey linen footwraps with exposed heels and toes".

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Saturday, September 9th, 2017, 10:10:51 AM

Quote from GM Necios:

I'm not gonna lie... I'm no Thandiwe. (Though she is my good pal and a joy with whom to work!) So instead of writing a beautiful story like she did, I'll just lay out a couple OOC shop teasers:

1) Long ago, someone asked for a nice selection of holy symbols. You might find a few of those with tiny pockets for storing your ritual stuff in one shop. And they might be the cutest ever (d'awww). And you might find Arkati candles there, too, to help with your communing and other mood setting needs. And in that same shop, you might find sticks for painting deity symbols on faces for that extra mmph. This is pure conjecture, of course. ;)

2) You might find an interesting ware for sale in another shop that can be unlocked for free purely because I saw you engaging in the storyline and roleplaying. Yes, roleplaying! No, nothing mechanical here. Just fluff for fun. Yes, I'm watching for solid roleplay as EG goes live.

Much more to come. See you there.

GameMaster Necios Events team QCer Champion of subject/verb agreement Honorary BADNAME committee chair

Annanasi says, "The symbol of the Arkati Necios is a cuddly teddy bear on a field of pink."

Saturday, September 9th, 2017, 10:12:23 AM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:

Henphelia is at it, again. Wandering from her Chicken Coup, she's managed to make her way to market for the fourth time and she is strutting her stuff.

A man in an alley says, "Hey, Henphelia, I may appear to be a BLIND MAN but I can tell you right now, I can fix your hair feather to be even fancier."

Clucking away, she went into the alley. When she came out...

Starting at your temple and working your way backwards along your scalp, you deftly weave your hair into dozens of incredibly thin braids. Here and there along the various lengths, you add dusky grey beads and pigeon plumules.

She has waist length, straight golden blonde hair woven into a riotous mass of incredibly thin braids that are sporadically peppered with dusky grey beads and pigeon plumules.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Sunday, September 10th, 2017, 11:08:55 AM

Quote from Haliste:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12642

Aunt Dipideedoo gazed longingly into her mirror, a fretful look upon her face. She pulled her hair back from her temples and turned her head from side to side in an attempt to see her hairstyle from all angles. "Nope, that won't do at all." She dropped her arms to her side and sighed heavily. "Oh," she said, "maybe it was like this!" She tucked her hair behind her ears and winked at her reflection. She shook her head. "Nope, that wasn't it, either. I wish I could remember how I had done my hair for that Royal Ball I attended in Ta'Illistim many moons ago!" Defeated, she dropped her mirror into her lap with a pout.

She turned the mirror over a few times, and suddenly, an image appeared in its reflection. With trepidation, she lowered her gaze to see the materializing image. She gasped when she saw the perfect reflection of her from that wonderful evening! "How the... what the... oh my! That's it! That's really it!"

With a deep breath, she rubbed the mirror in her hands and her hair stood on end, as if charged with static! As she gazed back at her reflection, her hair was perfectly coifed, just as it had been for her special night out.

~ Haliste ~ The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor Events SGM

Sunday, September 10th, 2017, 11:16:18 AM

Lady Rohese would start a war just to own that mirror.

Sunday, September 10th, 2017, 11:17:37 AM

@god said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

Lady Rohese would start a war just to own that mirror.

It's going to be a game changer for GS barbies everywhere.

(I don't think they're going to be limited to just 1)


Sunday, September 10th, 2017, 12:22:49 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12643

Henphelia liked to press her luck and so she went to market a fifth time. She'd bought the hair feather the first time, and then had it worked on three more times. Could there be a fourth time for her?

Strutting along, her hair loose to see if any noticed, a playful young boy approached her.

"Oh, Henphelia," he said, "You should push that hair away from your face."

He gently pushed her hair back.

Resting your thin dusky grey headband in the space between your temple and the tops of your ears, you push the piece further up on your head and trap your hair in place.

She has waist length, straight golden blonde hair pulled back from the face by a thin dusky grey headband adorned with decorative pigeon pennae.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 12:48:33 AM

Quote from GM Haliste:

You didn't think we'd take you to the middle of the Abandoned Sea and not have fishing, did you??

More details to come.

~ Haliste ~ The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor SGM, Events

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 9:53:52 AM

@evarin What would be really cool is if you can catch sharks but there would be a chance for it to pull you overboard and eat you through SMR. Another cool idea is for you to snag a old pirate's chest filled with something unique.

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 10:00:44 AM

I hope there's something combat related. Trick or treating was my favorite event at any festival, hands down. Admittedly, I haven't been in some time.

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 12:52:57 PM

Go fish! casts line... reels in a Murlock Combat insues.

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 1:08:29 PM

Always such a PITA to do combat while at EG due to being laden down with so much junk, though. Heh. At least for melee builds. (I got killed once by some random critter that wandered into the area I was digging in - too weighed down with junk!)

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 1:24:12 PM

PSA: Mstrike RT is not added by encumbered

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 1:25:53 PM

@whirlin said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

PSA: Mstrike RT is not added by encumbered

The real LPT are in the comments.

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 2:59:46 PM

Quote from GM Naionna:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12648

You glance down to see a stained green paper bag in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

You rummage briefly in your green paper bag and pull out a piece of olive green candy.

You take a bite of your olive green candy. It's tart enough to make your eyes water! Your left leg feels better. Roundtime: 5 sec. You have 9 bites left.


Monday, September 11th, 2017, 6:38:36 PM

At simucon I did design a creature that was a tentacle that when you are fishing anywhere in the game would randomly grab you and you would have to hack it off to get it to retreat. It was kind of a cool thing (kind of like a huge kraken somewhere in the water)

Monday, September 11th, 2017, 7:13:58 PM

Something similar exists in a quest, though it is a scripted action and not a creature you can attack.

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017, 8:52:03 AM

@beldannon5 That would be really awesome! Or classic merman that jumps out of the water. If you get caught in their net they take you underwater! Water breathing is a must!

alt text

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017, 9:18:45 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12655

You know, it's funny you should say that.....

sense You scan your surroundings, considering the various flora and fauna found here (and noting those which are absent). The indications of the temperate climate and the muddy wetlands are clearly evident to your seasoned eye. You don't see any other paths leading away from the area. Roundtime: 9 sec.

pull my foot Feeling a pinch in your linen-wrapped feet, you reach down and pry a tiny duckweed seedpod from between your toes, which you quickly discard.

Or maybe...

You scan your surroundings, considering the various flora and fauna found here (and noting those which are absent). The indications of the temperate climate and the grassland environment are clearly evident to your seasoned eye. You don't see any other paths leading away from the area. Roundtime: 9 sec.

pull my foot Feeling a pinch in your linen-wrapped feet, you reach down and pry a blade of grass from between your toes, which you quickly discard.

The footwraps handle all terrains, while the handwraps have special messaging for climate.

This year the footwraps produce messaging only, but I have plans for next year.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, 9:54:41 PM

Quote from GM Xayle:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12660

Why, it's the scent of bitter tears cried because all of your coins are flying out of the bank and into my perfume shop.

Eight all new scents for your sniffing and dabbing pleasure: Oaths in Gold, Bound in Scarlet, Sweet Indulgence, Resurrection, Beneath the Surface, Moonless Night, Gilded Cage, To Dream.

You're welcome.

~ X., but no, seriously. Thanks for all the coin!

"Xayle is my spirit animal." ~ Aiska

Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 3:25:57 PM

Quote from GM Galene:

After years of her extensive research in sylvan gemstone lore, Nimaya has created a new apparatus for modifying the appearance of the jewels, gems, stones, and shells that are so dearly revered by her people. The lapidary boxes provide the user with more than one shape, texture, cut, or lustre that can be applied to gems. The revolving center of the box is turned to choose which finish will be applied to the stone inside. These boxes can be further customized in a variety of different ways.

Nimaya taps an iridescent pearl, which is in her left hand.

Nimaya taps a greyed pumpkin ash box shot with veins of smoky moss agate, which is in her right hand.

Nimaya flips open a sleek latch on her pumpkin ash box with a practiced hand, revealing a narrow chamber that descends through the heart of the vessel to a tapered outlet.

Nimaya pops an iridescent pearl into her pumpkin ash box, and it swiftly clatters down a small chute, coming to rest with a soft plink!

Nimaya carefully eyes her pumpkin ash box and turns its revolving center.

Nimaya presses down firmly on a sleek latch crowning her pumpkin ash box, driving it down through the center of her vessel. An eruption of metallic slicing emanates from inside her box's chamber, yielding to a few discordantly staggered crackles, and a tinny clink. After a moment, a greyed pumpkin ash box shot with veins of smoky moss agate continues rolling through a narrow chute, tumbling out of a tapered outlet directly into her palm.

Nimaya taps a silver-tinged iridescent pearl, which is in her left hand.

Nimaya flips open a sleek latch on her pumpkin ash box with a practiced hand, revealing a narrow chamber that descends through the heart of the vessel to a tapered outlet.

Nimaya pops a silver-tinged iridescent pearl into her pumpkin ash box, and it swiftly clatters down a small chute, coming to rest with a soft plink!

Nimaya carefully eyes her pumpkin ash box and turns its revolving center.

Nimaya presses down firmly on a sleek latch crowning her pumpkin ash box, driving it down through the center of her vessel. An eruption of metallic slicing emanates from inside her box's chamber, yielding to a few discordantly staggered crackles, and a tinny clink. After a moment, a greyed pumpkin ash box shot with veins of smoky moss agate continues rolling through a narrow chute, tumbling out of a tapered outlet directly into her palm.

Nimaya taps a vine-engraved iridescent pearl, which is in her left hand.


SGM of Subscriptions

This message was originally posted in Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above, follow the link below.

Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 3:27:55 PM

Quote from GM Galene:

They're totally unrelated to existing gemcutters, as they're meant to be sylvan-y in nature and to compliment the sylvan gemology guide document that this same character put out in 5115 (winky face, 2015).

Yes, you should be able to customize them fairly easily at regular GALD merchants.


Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 7:21:55 PM

Quote from Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12673

Now that I have your attention...

There will be at least one scrying shop at Ebon Gate this year and I've created a brand new scrying device for it.

It is based on the Apdo Gno Burzka'ask, which is a krolvin seer that uses Haruspex as a divination method.

Here is a sample of it:

The black rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.

You glance down to see a femur-hilted obsidian zirah bouk in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

Laying your hands upon the soft expanse of the rolton's stomach, you make a deep cut in the flesh with your zirah bouk. Innards begin to spill upon the ground, and you fish around in them for a moment before you prize free a waxy fat-saturated stomach.

You glance down to see a femur-hilted obsidian zirah bouk in your right hand and a waxy fat-saturated stomach in your left hand.

You analyze your fat-saturated stomach and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

A waxy fat-saturated stomach is created by using the blade of an Apdo Gno Burzka'ask on a dead creature. It can be turned up to three times to discern various features about the type of organ it is, and those can be used to predict the future. Once it has been turned three times, it will be destroyed.

A waxy fat-saturated stomach can not be altered, sold, or eaten. It must be used while fresh from the kill as it will rot.

You analyze your obsidian zirah bouk and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This is the blade of an Apdo Gno Burzka'ask, which is a Krolvin seer. It will gut an animal, and only an animal, to steal its organs. You can do this by typing POINT zirah bouk at {animal}. It is your task to divine the future from those organs.

This particular zirah bouk is at the off-the-shelf tiering and can be unlocked once, and it traps for point, rub, and exhale.

It has a chance to create one of four different types of organs.

You may alter this zirah bouk freely, but please try to keep its material as either glass, obsidian, or metal. It should only ever be a small knife or dagger, and it can never have any kind of special flares, weighting, or enhancive abilities.


~~ Thandiwe ~~

Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 7:23:46 PM

Quote from GM Flannihan:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12683

[Feywrot Mire, Western Walkway]

The air is hazy with twining plumes of smoke, as breezes from the western swamplands breathe life into pockets of smoldering ash, reigniting what little is left to burn in the area. Black water covers half of the planking where the charred supports have partly collapsed into the surrounding swamp. You also see a pile of burnt wood.

look wood:

Judging from the one wheel lying on its side nearby, and the charred remnants of one long carved wooden handle, the scattered pile of wood and ash appears to be the burnt vestige of a merchant's cart. Tiny animal figurines, perched in long abandoned pots, are beyond recognition with their little faces scorched off.

The poor little gnome is heartbroken, so many fine carvings reduced to ash. Whatever shall he do? Guess there's nothing left but to start anew. Stop by Binklar's new shop on ... wherever the heck this new festival place is...

Blank imbeddibles for all of your imbeddible spell needs. With a merchant pass, he'll imbed up to 3 items per person per day with the spiritual or arcane magics from his shop lists. Please help the little man recoup his losses, or just stop by and say "Hi!"

Flannihan Text based: Because the book is ALWAYS better than the movie.

Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 10:13:03 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:

I'm glad you asked about tiers...

Every blade that is off the shelf can be unlocked one time. There is a special, raffle quality tier on the blade that does more. It can only be found in jackpot prizes and is usually on a completely altered blade.

That being said, here's a breakdown for you:

Of-the-shelf : 4 organ types & 3 verbs Tier 1 : 6 organ types & 5 verbs Raffle Tier: 8 organ types & 7 verbs

Here's an example of using the organ:

turn my stomach ou turn the stomach over in your hands, examining it in minute detail. As your eyes rove over it, you notice that the greater curve of stomach is pockmarked with puckered flesh. G>turn my stomach You turn the stomach over in your hands, examining it in minute detail. As your eyes rove over it, you notice pockets of fatty membranes fused to the exterior wall. turn my stomach You turn the stomach over in your hands, examining it in minute detail. As your eyes rove over it, you notice a snakeskin-like pattern that trails across the wall that is interrupted by nodules of yellowish fat.

Sensing that you have gleaned all you can from the stomach, you feel it begin to transform under your touch. The flesh loses its elasticity and suddenly turns brittle. Within seconds it is nothing more than sanguine ash that sifts through your fingers.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 11:27:41 PM

@evarin said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

Quote from GM Galene:

They're totally unrelated to existing gemcutters, as they're meant to be sylvan-y in nature and to compliment the sylvan gemology guide document that this same character put out in 5115 (winky face, 2015).

Yes, you should be able to customize them fairly easily at regular GALD merchants.


@Galene I hope you can make runestone boxes with this!

Friday, September 15th, 2017, 7:53:00 AM

Quote from GM Galene:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12699

The gems produced from these boxes should be totally fine for use in any project that uses regular gems. They're exactly like any standard version of that particular gem, just fancied up!


SGM of Subscriptions

Friday, September 15th, 2017, 7:54:35 AM

Quote from GM Tamuz:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12702

Save your feathers, they'll be useful soon! Give me your moneys!

You glance down to see an opalescent white vaalin nib in your right hand and a sleek black raven feather in your left hand.

put my feather in my nib You will consume both the feather and the nib to produce "a sleek black raven feather quill tipped with an opalescent white vaalin nib". If you wish to continue, attempt the action again within 30 seconds.

You shrug.

put my feather in my nib You carefully fit the the spine of the black raven feather into your white vaalin nib and twist it into place, producing a sleek black raven feather quill tipped with an opalescent white vaalin nib.

You tuck your black raven quill behind your ear, adjusting the quill for an aesthetically pleasing effect.

You see GameMaster Tamuz the Moon Mage. He appears to be a Robot. He is alpine in stature. He appears to be senescent. He has silver-flecked frost opal blue eyes and leathery brown skin. He has very short, pin-straight with dark roots that fade into the color hair with a subtle widow's peak. He has a portly face, an upturned nose and wildly bushy eyebrows. A sleek black raven feather quill tipped with an opalescent white vaalin nib is tucked behind his ear. He is in good-ish shape.

Extra special thanks to GameMaster Elidi for allowing these nibs to use her new quill script!


Friday, September 15th, 2017, 6:26:12 PM

Quote from GM Haliste:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12715

The waters below seemed so far away. "Go ahead, missy. I'll make sure yer head's protected with this gnomish air helmet. Y'ain't gonna die. Hehehehe." Trembling, she nudged slightly closer to the cliff's edge. She clutched her diver's license tightly in her hand and shakily turned it over to the divemaster. "Hooray!" the divemaster exclaimed. "Ready? One, two..." Before she could blink, the instructor slipped a helmet over her head and gave her a good shove. "REMEMBER TO KICK!!" With a gasp, she tumbled over the edge of the peak and plummeted to the dark waters below. She hit the sea hard, arms and legs flailing wildly to scramble her way up from the depths. Once the waters around her calmed, she reluctantly opened her eyes and gasped! "Ohhh...look at this! I can see! I can breathe! I CAN SWIM!!"

Patches of green-blue algae float past; chunks of shimmering silver flicker in her periphery; large sandbars stretch as far as she can see. "This is extraordinary! Let's see what I can find!" She points her body downward and descends to a sandbar nearby, digging her hands excitedly through the murky sand when her fingers graze the edge of something solid. "Oooooh! What is THIS that I've found?" She gives the item a strong tug and pulls up a tusk-hilted copper zirah bouk. "Hmm. What IS this??" With a shrug, she stuffs the item into her pack and swims off toward the west, a large jellyfish following in her wake.

~ Haliste ~ The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor SGM, Events

Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.

How frequently do the diving helms fail over the course of an hour?

Only once, since it will only last for 30 minutes.

Are there any gigantic squids?

A colossal squid, you mean? Possibly...

will catch up with the diver...


~ Haliste ~ The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor SGM, Events

Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.

Friday, September 15th, 2017, 6:46:37 PM

I hope people can die down there, it'll make rescues interesting...

Sunday, September 17th, 2017, 2:35:10 PM

Quote from GM Flannihan:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12765

Before my eyes Glass over from all the puns... lets Sea what we have here...

You glance down to see an antiqued black sea glass bottle containing emerald blazestars in your right hand and an emerald blazestar in your left hand.

put blaze in my bottle You add an emerald blazestar to the contents of the black sea glass bottle, filling it.

look in my bottle Inside the black sea glass bottle you see 100 portions of emerald blazestars. It is full.

20's, 50's, and 100's ... some sell for silvers, some do not. Look for them in Baubles of the Sea.

Flannihan Text based: Because the book is ALWAYS better than the movie.

Monday, September 18th, 2017, 8:37:32 PM

Quote from GM Thandiwe:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12781

eat my intestines

You bring an artery-lined length of intestines to your lips, whispering a soft prayer to its still hot flesh, and, as if in answer, it flashes into a sudden blinding white light that completely incinerates the tissue until nothing remains.

Sorry, gang. It's a non-negotiable topic.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Monday, September 18th, 2017, 10:18:09 PM

Quote from GM Retser:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12783

There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks. There will be Shock Lance unlocks.

Retser, ASGM

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 2:18:22 AM

Quote from GM Sindin:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12798

I hope so, because I am rolling out the carpet for dagger users at this year's Ebon Gate.

Up for auction:

  • Dagger weighting! As much as you can afford in one service. (The price will follow the new weighting system, so it can get pricey). One lucky winner!
  • Greater bubble flares! One lucky winner!

Other dagger-related services you can win...

  • Ten moderately lucky winners will be able to enchant one of the daggers for sale in my shop to 5x. Some fun, naturally flaring materials!
  • One very lucky winner will be able to enchant one to 8x!
  • +10 stamina recovery enhancive to any dagger! (As long as it can accept it.) Not just my store daggers!
  • Common flares for your daggers, 5 winners!

Silver charges apply but they won't break the bank.

Don't care about daggers??

Well... you'll find some very neat arm and leg greaves for sale in my shop.

What do they do?

They have secret compartments to hold your daggers!

Do you still not care about daggers?

How about this then:

  • Spike adding & removing
  • Common & uncommon flares for your armor accessories
  • +10 Constitution bonus to any arm greaves for one lucky winner! This will be raffled and oh yes you will want to win it!

I'll also be turning your arm and leg greaves into my sneaky neat ones that let you hide daggers. Limit of 20 lucky winners.

If you play some games on the grounds, you may luck into winning some special armor accessories, which can be made even more special with these services and wins.

Rogues, walk away with a pair of flaring spiked leg greaves that hold a secret dagger. Or just get a secret compartment added to your arm greaves to hold your skinning knife. Fun for all! Especially rogues!


Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 3:11:00 PM

Quote from GM Haliste:

An ancient terror has been exhumed from its resting place beneath the Abandoned Waters, and it has made its way to the shores of Elanthia.

Proceed with caution.

(You may find an unusual item in treasure chests across Elanthia.)

~ Haliste ~ The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor SGM, Events

Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 3:17:04 PM

Funny how critters always find these strange things and decide to put them in locked boxes and carry them around.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 4:25:25 PM

@mogonis said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

Funny how critters always find these strange things and decide to put them in locked boxes and carry them around.

Stop trying to figure out Elanthia's greatest mystery.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 4:55:44 PM

@mogonis It's totally safe from theft in OTF that way.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 7:30:09 PM

I found one in Plat - it was a chunk of seaweed. You have to OPEN it. Not sure if what is inside is different each time, though, as I've only found the one so far.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 7:51:14 PM

@livderaderalleur And what was in yours?

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 8:48:24 PM

@Sabotage It was a scripted seed pod. Tapped it and some eels flew out and disappeared. There was another verb noted in the ANALYZE ('EAT') but the pod disappeared after 'TAP', so I didn't get a chance to see what that did.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 8:48:35 PM

This was posted on the Officials (But not by a GM):

In the brass coffer: Special [1]: a silver-veined strand of slick seaweed

Something in the coiled knots of the aquatic plant make you think that this could be debris that has somehow made its way out of Caligos Isle and into your care. You remove a silver-veined strand of slick seaweed from in a battered brass coffer.

Thin and ropey, the stand of seaweed is slippery and bears a strange indigo cast that darkens to forest green at the center. Spear-shaped leaves decorate the edges as do tiny seedpods that glisten with a watery slickness. An odd pattern of silver veining trickles through the plant. It appears as though you could OPEN the aquatic vegetation.

open seaweed You gingerly at first, and then with more ferocity as you continue, pull on the tangled coils of the seaweed. Suddenly transforming into an ethereal mist of indigo laced with silver, the seaweed falls away from your hands and leaves something behind.

You swap your glossy indigo seedpod from your left to your right hand.

Plump and round, the seedpod is indigo in hue and darkens to ebon at the center. The flimsy seam is limned with a silvery sheen.

You analyze your glossy indigo seedpod and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

You look over a silver-seamed glossy indigo seedpod and understand instantly that it can not be altered in any way, shape, or form. With that understanding comes the knowledge that you can TAP, SMELL, and EAT it.

As you give a silver-seamed glossy indigo seedpod a last look, you feel as though someone is analyzing you back. A voice floats around your ears, "Caligos Isle is where He awaits you. Come. Come to His Salvation." Slowly, both the feeling and the voice fade away.

You get no sense of whether or not the seedpod may be further lightened.

tap seed As you tap the edges of the seedpod, it bursts in your hand, and a wild spray of silver mist floods the area. Slowly, the image of an island wreathed in mist forms, and you see a ship sailing towards its shores. Waves crest and crash against the rocky shores, though darkness and gloom prevent a closer look at the land. Eventually, the image fades but leaves behind the acrid scent of the sea.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 10:34:52 PM

As you give a silver-seamed glossy indigo seedpod a last look, you feel as though someone is analyzing you back. A voice floats around your ears, "Find Junderthal, he knows the way!" Slowly, both the feeling and the voice fade away.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 3:51:58 PM

Quote from GM Estild:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12828

analyze trinket You analyze your shimmering trinket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The trinket is a Shimmer Trinket, which will save and project an aura that copies the appearance of other items you are wearing. Just wear whatever items you want in whatever order you desire, then ATTEND the trinket. Once worn, it will only display those items while concealing all others. You may also CLEAN it to remove the previously stored appearance.

General availability at the next Duskruin, but one will be raffled at Ebon Gate.

GameMaster Estild

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:16:10 PM

Notes from Estild from Discord in regards to Shimmer Trinkets

  • pinworn, non-functional
  • retains look after removing "trinket"
  • Can give trinket to others and retains the existing "look"
  • Can use it to appear naked if you wish.
  • Buy miltiple and create sets (wedding, costume balls, streaking, etc)
  • Do not have to continue wearing items that were saved for the look once saved
  • Can only detect if using trinket if using Stormfront FE and attempt to click inventory link when looking at someone as will return no PnC menu on click.
  • General availability at DR, pricing not dirt cheap, but under 10k scrip
  • Will have Aqua-Barbie Girl midi file integrated in FE to play automatically when worn (just kidding)
Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:18:15 PM

If these are off the shelf... I might just kiss Estild.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:23:54 PM

Sounds like they will be as it's "general availability".

He didn't respond though to whether they are tier/locked similar to the DragonRealms version these were copied from. Their versions have 4 tiers: * Tier 1: 8 items * Tier 2: 10 items * Tier 3: 12 items * Tier 4: 15 items

Hopefully ours is unlimited and no tiers. We can hope and dream.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:24:41 PM

In case you want to see the item these were cloned from:

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:26:00 PM

And they costed 250 kernels (DragonRealms alt-currency similar to bloodscrip, but not sure how pricey it was in comparison)

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:35:31 PM

lol Sounds more like I'll be camping TWO rooms at EG this year.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:56:14 PM

Estild just confirmed no tiers but does have a limit of 100 items.... God I would not want to see someone that has that many items.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 6:24:49 PM

"Beware the silver mist, And of the twisted tryst. Beware the silver eel, And of island-borne zeal. Beware that which rises, In playful franchises."

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 7:55:40 PM

Oh they are DR items... and my interest just went way down.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 8:24:47 PM

Quote from GM Necios:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12834

Inside the gloomy interior of a small, shredded grey tent, you'll find a wide and colorful assortment of these extra zesty artifacts coming to Caligos Isle (and back to Ebon Gate in general).


You pick up an umber blown glass witch-ball.

You gently press your hemlock green votive against the surface of your witch-ball, and with a soft whoosh of air, the candle is pulled from your hand and into the center of the globe where it cradles gently in the small niche.

You hold your burning match near the witch-ball for a moment, and the flame flares brightly then vanishes only to reappear within the globe, lighting the tiny hemlock green votive and casting long fingers of umber light in every direction. You drop the burned-out match.

You nudge your umber witch-ball into motion, and it begins to swing back and forth like a colorful pendulum.

You gaze deeply into your umber witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Lorminstra standing before the Ebon Gate.

Suddenly, the votive flares brightly and dispels the image. The witch-ball's motion comes to an abrupt stop.


I swear I didn't force that image to happen just for this teaser. Ain't text-based RPGs grand?

GameMaster Necios Events team QCer Champion of subject/verb agreement Honorary BADNAME committee chair

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 10:57:14 PM

Quote from GM Elidi:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12838

~~~ G>glance You glance down to see an enameled metal box in your right hand and an eahnor dagger in your left hand. G>put dagger in my box You insert your eahnor dagger inside your metal box. G>turn my box You turn a dial on the side of your metal box to choose a plate style and set it for "segmented." G>turn my box You turn a dial on the side of your metal box to choose a plate style and set it for "flimsy." G>turn my box You turn a dial on the side of your metal box to choose a plate style and set it for "bejeweled." G>close my box You close an enameled metal box. G>push my box To make a pair of plates, your eahnor dagger will be destroyed. Are you sure you want to do this? [Please use this command again within 30 seconds to CONFIRM.] G>push my box Your metal box begins to vibrate and makes high-pitched, grinding noises. Sparks and metal shavings fly from narrow vents on each side of the box. After a few moments, the box feels considerably lighter. Roundtime: 15 sec. G>open my box You open an enameled metal box. G>look in my box In the metal box you see a pair of eahnor plates. G>get plate in my box You remove a pair of eahnor plates from in your metal box. G>look my plates The plates, which appear to be made from bejeweled eahnor, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is: buckled with bejeweled eahnor bejeweled eahnor-buckled with bejeweled eahnor toes bejeweled eahnor-toed capped with bejeweled eahnor bejeweled eahnor-capped G>nod satisfaction You nod with satisfaction. ~~~

Many plate styles available and you can add your own custom settings. Visit The Glass Slipper to learn more!


Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 7:40:22 AM

@horibu said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

Sounds like they will be as it's "general availability".

He didn't respond though to whether they are tier/locked similar to the DragonRealms version these were copied from. Their versions have 4 tiers: * Tier 1: 8 items * Tier 2: 10 items * Tier 3: 12 items * Tier 4: 15 items

Hopefully ours is unlimited and no tiers. We can hope and dream.

Highly unlikely ours will be unlimited.

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 8:40:27 AM

You should of read posts past that as you'd see Estild has already commented and said ours is better cause GS4 is better than DR. Ours is one tier and has a max of 100 items.

@maetriks said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

@horibu said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

Sounds like they will be as it's "general availability".

He didn't respond though to whether they are tier/locked similar to the DragonRealms version these were copied from. Their versions have 4 tiers: * Tier 1: 8 items * Tier 2: 10 items * Tier 3: 12 items * Tier 4: 15 items

Hopefully ours is unlimited and no tiers. We can hope and dream.

Highly unlikely ours will be unlimited.

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 11:02:10 AM

@horibu That many WORN items, or like items inside a container?

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 11:02:59 AM


Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 2:52:50 PM

@Riend the trinket is to capture the image of your WORN items. So what's inside them shouldn't matter. So 100 WORN items, which in old GS3 days of empaths sitting in TSC was very doable to max out. Hopefully not so much in today's GS4 daily life.

The question that comes up though is how goofy it will look if you are say @Arshwikk walking around with the trinket and your loincloth only. And then you go to pull your vorpal sword of doom out of your cloak. Does it mention the cloak? That would look odd for RP purposes when I look at you and see nothing but a loincloth and yet you're pulling things out of your cloak/backpack/sack. But alas, not sure there is a decent solution to that.

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 4:30:20 PM

@horibu I love you, Estild and everyone else right now.

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 5:21:19 PM

@horibu said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

@Riend the trinket is to capture the image of your WORN items. So what's inside them shouldn't matter. So 100 WORN items, which in old GS3 days of empaths sitting in TSC was very doable to max out. Hopefully not so much in today's GS4 daily life.

The question that comes up though is how goofy it will look if you are say @Arshwikk walking around with the trinket and your loincloth only. And then you go to pull your vorpal sword of doom out of your cloak. Does it mention the cloak? That would look odd for RP purposes when I look at you and see nothing but a loincloth and yet you're pulling things out of your cloak/backpack/sack. But alas, not sure there is a decent solution to that.

Yes, it will still reference your cloak when you pull an item out of it. The trinket is an illusion only. If needed, imagine that the illusion is temporarily dispelled when a player manipulates items while under the illusion, thus allowing you to see the item they manipulated.

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 5:23:18 PM

@estild said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

@horibu said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

@Riend the trinket is to capture the image of your WORN items. So what's inside them shouldn't matter. So 100 WORN items, which in old GS3 days of empaths sitting in TSC was very doable to max out. Hopefully not so much in today's GS4 daily life.

The question that comes up though is how goofy it will look if you are say @Arshwikk walking around with the trinket and your loincloth only. And then you go to pull your vorpal sword of doom out of your cloak. Does it mention the cloak? That would look odd for RP purposes when I look at you and see nothing but a loincloth and yet you're pulling things out of your cloak/backpack/sack. But alas, not sure there is a decent solution to that.

Yes, it will still reference your cloak when you pull an item out of it. The trinket is an illusion only. If needed, imagine that the illusion is temporarily dispelled when a player manipulates items while under the illusion, thus allowing you to see the item they manipulated.

You're the best, sir. These are the best, EVERYTHING IS THE BEST TODAY. Thank you for being awesome. =p

Thursday, September 21st, 2017, 7:58:05 PM

Quote from GM Elidi RE: the metal changing boxes:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12846 (and others)

Do these work with metal only or will they also work with woods?

They work with metals only. Light weapons and ingots sold in the shop.

Are the cobbling punches going to be offered again this year?

There will be cobbling punches this year, including a new one that works on chopines.

G>push my chopine Pushing off of the floor with one foot, you succeed in balancing on the tiptoes of your towering fel chopines. You inch forward a few small steps before planting the pedestals of your chopines firmly back on the floor. G>lean my chopine Shifting your weight, you wobble slightly on your towering fel chopines and almost lose your balance. G>tilt my chopine With a slight tilt of your ankle, you elegantly display the fine craftsmanship of your towering fel chopines.

... are a few of the things you can do with your chopines after applying your hallmark punch.

So... we could make adamantine/kroderine/zelnorn plates if we had a dagger of each?

No. As per ALTER 9:

Some rare materials might be restricted or simply not lend themselves to serving as an adornment for non-combat items. Black ora and white ora, for example, are reserved for weapons. Adamantine, coraesine, drakar, gornar, krodera, kroderine, rhimar, urglaes, urnon, zelnorn, and zorchar cannot be used due to their unique and innate qualities. These special materials can be used as adornments for combat items that share the material's innate qualities.

There were alter fodder drops from recent simucoin events like balenite, alexandrite, laje, veniom and others, will those work in the box?

Not at this time. Only light weapons of non-magical metals, or the ingots sold in the shop.


Friday, September 22nd, 2017, 6:06:44 PM

@horibu said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

You should of read posts past that as you'd see Estild has already commented and said ours is better cause GS4 is better than DR. Ours is one tier and has a max of 100 items.

@maetriks said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

@horibu said in Official: Ebon Gate 2017 Teasers:

Sounds like they will be as it's "general availability".

He didn't respond though to whether they are tier/locked similar to the DragonRealms version these were copied from. Their versions have 4 tiers: * Tier 1: 8 items * Tier 2: 10 items * Tier 3: 12 items * Tier 4: 15 items

Hopefully ours is unlimited and no tiers. We can hope and dream.

Highly unlikely ours will be unlimited.

That seems ridiculous, but whatever. As far as reading further, was on a cell phone.

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, 8:22:22 AM

Quote from GM Sindin regarding his dagger-based services:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12875

Bubble flares for daggers only?<<

Yessssss. Very specific! Lots of uses for a dagger with these flares.

...any chance of adding a "make a dagger into a Poison Ambusher" raffle into that great big long laundry list of awesome dagger-ness?<<

Not this year. I've played quite a bit with ambush poisoning daggers, and they did not make my cut to try to offer at this EG. They are, in my experience, a novelty, practically speaking. I've never found them combat-useful. Major bubble flares, on the other hand, can keep a dagger-swinging rogue seriously protected from damage.

Please make sure any greaves analyze as leather or cloth so Ranger resistance can be added to them.<<

There are, indeed, separate steel and leather sets for sale off the shelf, and I'll be able to pocket + script 20 sets.

Suddenly I care about daggers.<<

Mission accomplished!

I hope whoever does this asks the dying question when they get selected for the weighting. How much to go from 0 to 5000 service points on a dagger. Then post that quote. Would love to see how much that costs.<<

That will be up to them to share, but it will be a transparent process with the winner.

Daggers aren't for everyone, but if they're for you, hopefully this will make you happy!

I plan, as always, to do a lot of GALD, but I will also devote some more slower paced sessions for daggers only (mostly when I need a mental change of pace).


Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, 8:30:44 AM

Quotes from various GMs regarding their Ebon Gate offerings:

You ask, "Should we give them an idea of what fun things we are bringing to Ebon Gate this year?"

You give your leviathan a little tap on the head, causing its little noggin to bob up and down in a comical fashion.

You wind up your teal imflass leviathan several times and let it go. The teal imflass leviathan winds up and begins chiseling away at the gem. Working furiously, steam shoots out of its head, creating a thick cloud. After a moment, the cloud clears and the teal imflass leviathan brushes away the dust to reveal a perfectly cut jewel.

You remove a clam-cut baroque pearl from in your teal imflass leviathan.

GM Hivala

Pulling his eyes from the pier behind him, the Captain looked to the open waters and watched as the mists slipped past. Moonlight, stars, and the occasional cry from the crow's nest were soon his companions on the three-masted vessel. He couldn't help looking back, his eyes always finding the receding island. It was always just there, just at the edge of his vision. Soon, he knew, it would fade from even his keen eyesight. But it would be there when he returned, it would be waiting.

Drumming his fingers upon the brass railing that encircled this section of the deck, he listened as one of the nightshifts began to whistle one of his favorite sea shanties. A smile rippled through his manicured, red beard, and parting his lips, he answered the tune.

Over cloud, Borthuum sailed west, West, Lad-ees, westward, ho! Leave the winter, in heat we are best. Westward, lad-ees, west we go!

Borthuum, you jackjaw, you sparrow, you lark. Ease up, Lad-ees, ease up land lo! Pull on the trowels, the land has a spark. Ease up, Lad-ees, landward we go!

Tend the yardarms, keep the ropes in tow. Mind the lines, Lad-ees, heave ho! Ash in the air, there's a volcano below. Heave, lad-ees, heave downward ho!

Borthum, you jackjaw, it's storms near and far! Lash away, Lad-ees, lash and stow! Refit her with purpose, that ole Glaesen star! Sail away Lad-ees, now seaward go!

With a broad grin and a final thump on the railing, the Captain retired to the forecastle of his beloved ship. In his mind, the historians were already writing his own shanty and he enjoyed the enticing thoughts of finally obtaining that fame.

~~ Thandiwe ~~

Hey, locksmith! Have you had to turn away customers because your shiny, new picks aren't so shiny or new anymore? Do you long to hang out in the East Tower, earning tips (and occasionally blowing up your friends)? Have you considered changing your profession because you can't find anyone to fix those really cool lockpicks you just can't buy new anymore?


Lucky locksmiths will be able to have their picks repaired during the festival!

Notes: This service will be offered to a limited number of people (you don't actually have to be a locksmith, but I'm not sure why you collect broken lockpicks if you're not) for a flat silvers fee. Time/date/distribution method will be announced later.


... or, rather, your gear!

A few lucky people will be able to have their gear sanctified at the festival! Remember, only clerics and paladins can benefit from sancted gear, so if you're not one of these professions, you may do yourself more harm than good by having this on your gear (since sancting can make other enhancements more difficult/costly).

Black ora is, obviously, excluded.

More info on distribution method(s) and costs later!


We will be offering recharging of magic items during the festival. X/day items will NOT be eligible for this service. Cost will be in silvers.

I have nothing clever to add to this at this time, except to say I will be doing three, and there will be a one item per ACCOUNT limit at each session.

~Liia, too tired to be clever anymore tonight.

tl-dr: Gem cutters, a sneak peak about the Glaeson Star, Lockpick repairing, gear sanctification (no black ora), magic item recharging (no X a day items)

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, 1:36:59 PM

Quote from GM Palvella:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12901

Toasting steins will be returning this year.

Unlocking will be available allowing a choice pre-approved messaging. Raffle wins will include a custom toast.

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, 1:38:22 PM

Quotes from GM Liia regarding her magical item charging services:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12904

this is to the new limit of "full", 40 (or potentially 35 [30, 25, et cetera] if the item has previously been merchant-charged) charges, regardless of spell, correct?

For standard magic items, yes. If the item isn't a standard item, it will let me know, and I will let you know so you can make an educated decision.

if the entry fee is per character, shouldn't the service be by that?

Some special services have pre-determined approvals. This is one of them.


Wednesday, September 27th, 2017, 7:25:43 AM

Quote from GM Valyrka:,%20Quests,%20and%20SimuCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/12918

There will be a chance to make that special enhansive item non-crumbly!

~ Valyrka ~ Ta'Illistim Elves Dark Elves

Friday, October 27th, 2017, 9:03:09 AM

Quote from GM Wyrom:

Can we get some more hopper teasers now that it seems the unlimited quiver has gone out?

No quiver was found.

Here are some highlights.

Unlimited quiver Trap card Permanent gold ring tattoo Spell knowledge mask for 1004 Spell knowledge cloak for 503 Chronoflare dagger Tent Gnome language band Wings (older gossamer ones) Cauldron Forehead gem Soulstone runestaff (lifekeep corpses one) Dance floor Nalea/Yfane gown Lanterns Lots of weapons, bows, shields, and armor

Wyrom, PM