Sanctified, T5, Acid Immolater Jeddart-Axe (Polearm)

Friday, August 25th, 2017, 4:51:43 PM

a regal eonake jeddart-axe Wrought from some deep elven forge and inscribed with cryptic quabbals, the jeddart-axe bears the mark of the royal House of Loenthra. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the jeddart-axe.

  • Eonake Sanctified

  • T5 Ensorcelled

  • Acid Immolater

Immolater weapons can hold up to 50 charges. When activated it will flare Acid on every swing costing 1 charge per swing. I've seen the damage go from 1 to 75. When waved at a target it will spray acid with a unique attack, this eats up 5 charges when performed. Takes about 30 minutes to recharge from empty, can recharge faster if you keep it out and activated if it hasn't used all charges by end of hunt.

Example of wave:

You wave a flaming regal eonake jeddart-axe at Tsin! Fearsome streams of magical fire explode from the weapon, savagely immolating him! ... 15 points of damage! Spray of acid bites deep into the skin over the sternum. He is stunned! Roundtime: 3 sec. JR>wave jed at tsin You wave a flaming regal eonake jeddart-axe at Tsin! Fearsome streams of magical fire explode from the weapon, savagely immolating him! ... 5 points of damage! Splash of acid catches hip, leaving a painful trail of smoke. Roundtime: 3 sec. JR>wave jed at tsin You wave a flaming regal eonake jeddart-axe at Tsin! Fearsome streams of magical fire explode from the weapon, savagely immolating him! ... 10 points of damage! Acid reaches the chest causing a nasty rash! Roundtime: 3 sec. JR>wave jed at tsin You wave a flaming regal eonake jeddart-axe at Tsin! Fearsome streams of magical fire explode from the weapon, savagely immolating him! ... 20 points of damage! Acid wash cleans the skin off part of the nose and cheek! He is stunned! Roundtime: 3 sec.

CB: 150$ to khorpulent SOLD!

BO: 200$

Sunday, August 27th, 2017, 4:09:04 PM

Le bump. Lowered buyout for anyone interested.

Sunday, September 17th, 2017, 11:00:18 AM

Bumping and swapping bids over to Cash only.

Monday, September 18th, 2017, 12:42:19 PM

Last Call.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017, 5:19:29 PM

Last call again.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017, 5:58:55 PM

Sold, pending some mechanic checks that khorpulent requested.