@Wyrom posted High End Scrip Shop on 08/18/2017 @ 08:20 PM EDT
To help manage fires with Duskruin, we will be opening the Scrip Shop tomorrow morning. Sorry for the late notice.
Wyrom, PM
@Wyrom posted High End Scrip Shop on 08/18/2017 @ 08:20 PM EDT
To help manage fires with Duskruin, we will be opening the Scrip Shop tomorrow morning. Sorry for the late notice.
Wyrom, PM
yeah this should have been decided and communicated much earlier
It was decided, just not communicated. It's been the case every run the shop has existed outside the first time (which was opened the last day).
Not saying that makes it better. Just saying that's the case.
Precisely define tomorrow morning? :)
I'm going to get them out tonight. I'll announce.
We still get a grace period though, right?
Announcement: The High End Scrip Shop at Duskruin will be open momentarily.