Buying 50 ct DR

Thursday, August 17th, 2017, 10:07:25 AM

buying 6 50ct jars at 6m each = 30m silvers CORRECTED TO 36mil. I don't maths good

Thursday, August 17th, 2017, 12:09:03 PM

That's not how math works

Thursday, August 17th, 2017, 12:14:42 PM

@kragdruk said in Buying 50 ct DR:

That's not how math works

Lol'd! Also, are folks selling for 5-6m? Seen a few threads for quite a bit more but not sure if they're moving any at those prices. I'd probably buy a bunch at 5 per, mahself.

Thursday, August 17th, 2017, 12:38:26 PM

You're giving away money if you sell at 5m per.

Thursday, August 17th, 2017, 4:37:21 PM

36 mil, math sucks

Thursday, August 17th, 2017, 4:41:58 PM

guessing they will start out at 6-6.5 I am buying at 6.5 but that's a different thread of course. :)