Post nav widget overtaking header area

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017, 2:06:29 PM

The post nav widget (1 out of 34, etc), shown here, is causing the primary menu div to drop down below the logo on a lot of pages:

With Widget

Here is the header without the post nav widget:

With Widget

Does anyone actually use the thing? If so, could it be made a bit smaller? It's covering up the breadcrumb, which makes it a bug, I think.

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017, 2:10:52 PM

I haven't used it, but it's never been wonky on the theme I'm using. Have you tried other themes?

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017, 2:16:29 PM

@mogonis said in Post nav widget overtaking header area:

I haven't used it, but it's never been wonky on the theme I'm using. Have you tried other themes?

I have, although I haven't compared this particular bug on them. I am to understand there is only one theme and various skins.

Regardless of preference, the first order of business would be (and assuming, is) the Default theme.