d enchant S
d enchant S
hehe, gotta click the open the image. I put a good chunk of time into figuring out the PC tables just for that post, and didn't want to put the effort into duplicating it here. I'll learn this style for next time.
In Firefox, it scales to the window's width. I have to zoom in to read the text, and then I can't see all of it. It's also blinding for people using the dark theme.
ID | Item Description | Properties | Details | Price | Status
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
1 | gleaming black rolaren waraxe | 3 pounds max light 7x lightning flaring handaxe. | SHOW: Forged by expert weapon makers, the rolaren waraxe is dyed a gleaming black hue. Set upon the head of the pommel is an intricate carving of a demon's face with sparkling ruby-set eyes. A fine black leather grip has been braided down the heft, while razor-sharp serrated teeth are notched down the length of the blade. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. | 13m |
2 | thin black rolaren longsword | 5 pounds 6x lightning flaring longsword | SHOW: This thin-bladed longsword is forged from strong black rolaren which gleams like liquid metal. The crossguard has been fashioned into the shape of a demon's head inset with two tiny ruby eyes, its fearsome teeth grasping the rolaren and joining it to the black leather-bound hilt. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. | 8m |
ID | Item Description | Properties | Details | Price | Status
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
1 | gleaming black rolaren waraxe | 3 pounds max light 7x lightning flaring handaxe. | SHOW: Forged by expert weapon makers, the rolaren waraxe is dyed a gleaming black hue. Set upon the head of the pommel is an intricate carving of a demon's face with sparkling ruby-set eyes. A fine black leather grip has been braided down the heft, while razor-sharp serrated teeth are notched down the length of the blade. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. | 13m |
2 | thin black rolaren longsword | 5 pounds 6x lightning flaring longsword | SHOW: This thin-bladed longsword is forged from strong black rolaren which gleams like liquid metal. The crossguard has been fashioned into the shape of a demon's head inset with two tiny ruby eyes, its fearsome teeth grasping the rolaren and joining it to the black leather-bound hilt. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. | 8m |
There's a start. Not sure about widening columns so item descriptions aren't on multiple lines without editing the CSS.
Dropping price to 22m/27m on the enchant slot.
Give you 5m for #6
Dropped to 20/25 on the slot, if you're waiting on a price drop, there won't be any more on that one, i'd rather just sit on the potions and start my next project that is waiting for me then go one silver less.
waraxe is sold.